Ad Agency Lackeys

Office plants looking unsightly? Get some people in to wipe the leaves with a wet cloth.
Someone write 'Scott no mates' in permanent marker on one of the office doors previously tenanted by an Art Director named Scott?
Well we wouldn't want to get turpentine on OUR hands.
Ad agency life, how I love you.
SOON BABY!!! I will be able to whip the lackeys too!!!
Thanks for the dropin and glad u like the work your blog looks kool take care!!!
Poor Scott: no mates!!
How do you get such hot office cleaning staff? I'd be littering my 3-hole-punch confetti all over the floor all the time.
You see the leaf-cleaning lady. HOOOTTTTT!!!
I guess that spells Hoot. Hot, I mean hot.
Yes. Ad-agency life. I was astounded at the fact that if the computer broke I wouldn't have to fix it myself. Same applied for fonts. It was kinda funny for the while that I worked at Sek&Grey ...
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